Brian Hall
President & CEO

Kym Hall
Vice President

Brian Hall is a variable operations specialist with experience in sales, advertising, recruiting and training. He began his professional career in the automobile industry selling cars and worked his way up to GSM. Brian was awarded membership to the Chevrolet Truck Sales Hall of Honor.

Kym Hall has multi-industry experience in marketing, merchandising, business management and continued education.

Brian and his wife, Kym, founded Advice, Inc. in 1999. Over the last 23 years they have grown their family owned and operated business to assist dealers with their advertising, employee recruitment and training needs. Advice has recruited and placed over twenty thousand salespeople, managers, technicians and other employees for our clients across the country. The Advice recruiting programs are the most cost effective way to hire the best employees at the lowest cost.

Brian Hall - President & CEO | Austin, TX 512-917-5152 LinkedIn

Kym Hall - Vice President | Austin, TX 512-431-7074 LinkedIn

Jonathan Garred - VP of Recruiting | Austin, TX 512-771-0928

Ashley Hall - Recruitment Marketing Manager | Austin, TX 512-924-6438 LinkedIn

Benjamin Hall - Recruiting Manager | Austin, TX

Mike Fuhs - Recruiting & Sales Training | Philadelphia, PA 602-622-9402